A few small changes are all it takes to make your heating oil last longer and will allow you to get more value for money from your purchase.
Here are 5 ways to ensure your heating oil lasts longer especially during the winter months without making you feel left out in the cold:
- Use your timer
How often have you forgotten to turn off your heat and went to bed or possibly left the house? This is a huge waste of money and your valuable home heating oil. Simply, just use your timer to help you make your heating oil last longer.
Schedule your timer around your daily life – put it on for a half an hour before your alarm goes off in the morning (this is plenty of time to heat the house before you get up) and if you know you come home from work around the same time every day then use your timer for this too. You can also set your timer for different times at the weekends to suit your schedule.
- Adjust the thermostat
Almost half the money spent on energy bills is consumed by heating and hot water costs. Did you know that turning your heating down by just one degree could save you up to £/€75 a year? Turning the thermostat up a few degrees when it’s cold outside won’t help your room heat up any quicker. In fact, all it does is use more home heating oil in the long run. Make sure the temperature settings are correct.
Furthermore, you can also adjust the individual radiator thermostats too. By turning them down for areas like the hall and rooms not in use you won’t be wasting your valuable money using heating oil.
- Don’t heat empty rooms
How many rooms are you heating that are not in use? The spare bedroom that’s used when guests visits? A home office that you don’t use? Don’t waste home heating oil heating empty rooms. Turn the radiators off in these rooms for an easy way to make your home heating oil last longer.
- Insulate and draught- proof
An effective way of keeping the cold out and the heat in is through insulating your house properly. Installing quality insulation can be extremely beneficial and help you reduce your heating oil usage. Make sure to check the insulation in:
- Walls – around 35% of heat lost is lost through the walls.
- Hot-water tank – Put a jacket over your tank or buy one that’s already covered with rigid foam.
- Attic or roof – Around 25% of heat lost in a typical uninsulated home escapes through the roof.
- Attic hatch – Make sure there’s insulation on top of it.
Also sealing gaps around the edges of windows and floorboards, investing in double glazing and lessening draughts are also effective ways of preventing heat loss. Resealing any of these gaps will instantly reduce the drafts in your home, and draft excluders along the bottom of your doors will keep you feeling cosy and warm.
There are a number of natural and recycled insulation materials that are as good, if not better, than conventional ones. You can then make your heating oil last longer by having it on for shorter time periods without compromising on the level of warmth in your home.
- Service Your Boiler
To save money on heating oil, the fuel efficiency of the boiler is vital!
Your boiler could be working harder and using more fuel than is needed to heat your home. Like many items that are in regular use, it is important to have your boiler serviced regularly to ensure that it is delivering optimum efficiency as even a small percentage drop in performance will be costly in the winter.
By booking an annual service, you can improve your boiler’s efficiency and ensure your heating oil lasts longer this winter.
A few winter preparations and small changes around the house could help towards seeing a reduction in in the frequency of heating oil top-ups and help ensure your heating oil lasts through the winter season. Emo Oil’s handy tips will ensure your home is kept warm and cosy for less, this winter.